EDIL CERVINO SRL is equipped to do hydraulic arrangements, reclamations and earth moving with modern digger, hoe and lorries for the quick transport of large volumes of materials and performs:
The firm gained the Certification of qualification for the execution of public works SOA Cat OG8 Class II.
The firm Edil Cervino srl is included in the “National Register Environmental Operators” in the Aosta Valley regional branch under N. AO01344, and it is authorized to the transport of debris and general construction waste on behalf of third parties, which will be carried to authorized landfill sites.
It is further authorized to the recovery and treatment of inert waste by its own installation in Vorpilles quarry with Managerial Decree n. 3 of 04.01.2011 of the autonomous region Aosta Valley according to the Law ex art. 208 Decree Law 152/2006.
The construction company is carried out by the same planning and programming criteria and quality standards which characterize Edil Cervino srl in the other activities.
It performs works using reinforced concrete, civilian infrastructures, hotels and craft facilities even in difficult circumstances thanks to the use of appropriate equipment and trained staff.
It carries out consolidation of existing facilities, soils and roads. It further specializes in demolition works using traditional systems, both mechanical means and the use of explosives.